Lolli's Lollies was founded in 2019. Lolli was an amazing life-saving Border Collie support Dog, who at 3 yrs and 8 months found herself battling the Autoimmune Disease "Evans Syndrome”, and by chance or even divine intervention had become sponsored by "The Saint".
Devastatingly Lolli gained her Angel Wings in the early hours on the 15th Feb 2019 after a relapse with her best friend by her side.
Through this Tragedy, came an amazing opportunity for everyone to access these amazing health products at fair prices and the knowledge that a you are directly helping support other pets as you support your own.
The Saint and Lolli’s owner had begun deeper research into natural supportive supplements and furthering education in aim that it may assist other dogs like Lolli into remission and possible prevent Relapse of Auto-Immune Diseases once remission was reached. This is where the Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM) was introduced into the Health and Joint support powder.
All of the papers and documents that were studied showed that Omega 3 and other Anti Oxidant properties in the Green lipped mussel and the MSM had very few side effects or Contraindications and many positive attributes and Theoretically could be the answer they were after, Unfortunately Lolli's relapse and intolerance to the medications was to strong, so sadly, that was where that ended with Lolli.
During Lolli’s 8-week battle, one of her owner’s other dogs that battled with Pancreatic and Gut issues, deafness and blindness had become severely disabled from Arthritis, back nerve pain and hip dysplasia and unable to lay down and sleep due to pain.
She was then started straight away on these products alongside her prescribed medications and within 2 weeks was up and about moving more freely, not screaming in pain, able to lay down to sleep again, and was no longer needing the prescribed medications.
She has continued to improve, Now able to run and walk properly with fluidity in her movement and straight movement, she has began regaining muscle mass and strength, but most amazingly she even gained her eye sight back.
She will be 15 in July 2020.
Update: She gained her Angel Wings in March 2022 almost 17.
Lolli’s Lollies is genuinely backed and motivated by Love for pets, Experience and Education in aim to provide comfort and health benefits to pets no matter what Age, Breed, Health status or living arrangement they may be with every day that passes.
Lolli's Lollies Founder is also a Holistic Carnivore Nutritionist, Myo-Manipulative Functional Therapist and body worker who is also educated with Diplomas in Canine Communication, MBSR (Mindfulness based Stress Reduction and Energy work for animals.