Experiences and scenario
So, your Dog has been playing and they’ve calmed down and are limping more than usual, they had already been diagnosed a while back with arthritis, so you go to the Vet and have been recommend starting injections.
Your dog is put on a support plan for arthritis and muscle atrophy by thier vet, this plan includes the injections for relief, limiting excessive exercise and pain killers on bad days alongside a Glucosamine / Chondroitin supportive supplement.
This is where Lolli’s Lollies is your dog’s new Best friend.
After contacting Lolli’s Lollies for some advice on the best course of action with the products for your situation, you purchase a starter tub to see if your pet needs whole, crumbled or powdered form.
While waiting to receive your order you make a video of how your pet is walking and running.
With in a few days your tub has arrived and your dog pinches it off the bench and is going crazy for the package. Your pet is like a demon possessed needing what’s in the packet, you open the packet, read the instructions on how to give each item.
Did they even taste the product you think to yourself as you’ve handed it over and it is gone without crumbs? Seeing how much they love this product can be a very exciting time for everyone.
As with most new products, you start slowly building up to the Loading dose. You start to notice a pep in there step a few days later, you take another video to compare in case you are seeing things.
2 weeks go by and your Dog is starting to move freely, is cheekier than usual and is initiating play more often …
1 month later and your Dog is running, jumping and much more full of life, you grab another Video because again you need to compare. You also noticed that your dog’s anxiety level and animals’ reactivity has reduced. But you still keep precautions for excessive movement because if your dog isn’t feeling pain, they may get a little to excited and re-injure the area in recovery.
6 weeks later and 2 weeks after the course injections you pop into the vets for a check-up, even your vet is surprised at how happy and anxiety free your dog is. Your treating vet asks if you need more painkillers, you realize its been 3 weeks since needing a pain killer at all!!!
3 months in you notice a change in the coat, they are shedding differently, its actually coming out easily and there is a layer of skin and dandruff. This is the Omegas working well throughout the entire body. Your grooming job just got easier! Your drop back down to a maintenance dose because you have not noticed any major issues.
6 months in and they are definitely gaining muscle mass again! And they are really enjoying their training and interaction exercises! They seem to retain the info and are not getting bored as easily or giving up early anymore!
You go for another check-up, the vet is satisfied and says that your dog won’t need the injections just yet and keep going with what you are using and make another appointment for 1 years’ time or earlier if you notice any negative changes. You then tell your vet that is Lolli’s Lollies snacks and Nutritional Supplements for pets!
Your out and about having doggy play dates and all your friends can’t believe the changes, so you begin to tell them the whole journey. You then jump on Facebook, send through a picture for the Dogs on Lolli’s Lollies and leave an honest review.
This is a replication of the experiences had during many Dogs’ Lolli’s Lollies Journey Including 3 of my own and what is recommended. Experiences and results may vary, and always keep your treating Vet informed as requested.